A slew of photos!
Just catching up and posting some photos. We've been so busy around here selling our home and buying a new one. We sold our house a couple of weeks ago and bought a new one last night. We close on July 10th. I'm pretty excited to have a little yard for Ben to play in. He's going to love it, and so are we!
Bowls on the head (a new favourite pasttime):
Making messes (another favourite pasttime):

Shoes go in the stroller basket:

Taking his shoes for a spin in the stroller:

Trying out his new big boy plate and cutlery:

Want to share my bread, Mommy?

Standing on the front step:

About to get out of the car at the park:

Modeling his new summer romper (just typing the word "romper" makes me feel "old"):

Getting ready to go down the slide:


In a playhouse at the park:


Conductor Ben:

A rare shot of Ben and Mommy (it only took me three tries to get both our heads in the shot):

Hair a la There's Something About Mary (created with sunscreen!!!):

Spaghetti anyone?
Bowls on the head (a new favourite pasttime):
Making messes (another favourite pasttime):
Shoes go in the stroller basket:
Taking his shoes for a spin in the stroller:
Trying out his new big boy plate and cutlery:
Want to share my bread, Mommy?
Standing on the front step:
About to get out of the car at the park:
Modeling his new summer romper (just typing the word "romper" makes me feel "old"):
Getting ready to go down the slide:
In a playhouse at the park:
Conductor Ben:
A rare shot of Ben and Mommy (it only took me three tries to get both our heads in the shot):
Hair a la There's Something About Mary (created with sunscreen!!!):
Spaghetti anyone?
Thanks for looking!