Happy Easter!

Then Ben painted some wooden eggs.
We had a really nice long weekend. Fortunately all major stores carried peanut-free chocolate and treats so that made things much easier for us.
We had one possible hive on Easter Sunday, but fortunately it developed into nothing. For most kids a little red mark is insignificant and doesn't require a second thought, but in Ben's case it means we need to observe him fairly closely to make sure that it isn't more than a simple red mark. Allergic reactions may start out just as simply and anaphylaxsis can take up to 4 hours to occur. I'm sure things will become easier when Ben's older and more able to accurately communicate how he's feeling.
The Easter bunny was good to Ben. Besides bringing him some chocolate the Easter bunny brought Ben a big plush Pablo (from Backyardigans), a package of sidewalk chalk, a pair of rubber boots, and a funky glowy smelly ball (that Daddy picked out, thank-you Daddy). Granny and Granddad Bloomfield gave Ben a toy truck, a plush chick, and an Easter book, all of which Ben is enjoying. Grandpa and Nana Beaton have something in the mail, a plush Thomas I think, we'll find out tomorrow.
Nic also had today, Easter Monday, off work. It was really nice to have him home for a four day weekend. Ben definitely enjoyed having more Daddy-time, and it was really great for us to have some quality family time without feeling like we had a million other things we needed to get done (despite having to unexpectedly replace our dishwasher AND microwave).
Happy Easter, everyone!