Week 26: Had our 3D ultrasound today!

Afterwards we stopped by Granny and Granddad Bloomfield's for lunch and we all watched the DVD. Granny Bloomfield gave me Ben's first gift: a lovely crocheted yellow blanket. So nice!!

And finally, I'm starting to look rather pregnant these days. I had a bit of an "a-ha!" moment last night when I noticed how big my belly's getting!
Nic snapped this pic of me this afternoon. I'll be exactly 26 weeks tomorrow and right now we have 99 days to go until my due date arrives. It would be nice to have Ben in time for Christmas, but I have a funny feeling he won't make an appearance until January.
Ben's been kicking a lot stronger lately. I can see my belly jiggle now when he gives me a good boot. It was quite funny to see his little legs at work during the ultrasound!
Labels: Ben