Benjamin and Caitlin: The Ultimate Tag Team

Sunday, January 15, 2006

Catching up

Benjamin had a doctor's appointment on Friday. He had his head circumference measured (up 1 cm) and was supposed to get weighed, but bad Mommy and Daddy forgot the diaper bag at home so we had to postpone. We have another appointment this coming Friday anyway. Our GP sent Ben for one last bilirubin test to confirm the level had dropped to normal. We're all sure it has because he's not lethargic, and any trace of yellow in his skin is gone. He's one pink baby!

Last night Andi, Vinny, and Cooper came by for a visit. I should have gotten some pics of the babies together, but I didn't... I guess we'll have many opportunities. I did get to have a couple of glasses of wine, however! What a novelty! You could tell we are all new parents though... we were all yawning by 8.30pm. We managed to stay awake until 11.30pm... I was quite proud of myself!

This morning both of my boys are sleeping soundly. I'd like to go out for breakfast, however, so I wish one of them would get up! This will be Ben's third restaurant experience. We went out for dinner the other night and once again, he slept through the entire thing. I'm not complaining!
