Week 40: Today's prenatal appointment
Everything is looking good as usual, so no complaints there. Baby's heartbeat is strong, my blood pressure is good, no sugar or proteins in my urine, and no swelling.
My OB ("the Newt") did an internal exam and found that the baby's head is engaged and very low. My cervix is ~50% effaced, but I'm not yet dilated.
I told him that my biological mom and sisters have had fairly rapid labours, so he suggests not straying too far from the hospital. Eeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!
My OB is going by an estimated due date of December 30th (although my 18 week u/s estimates December 25th), so according to him we have another week and a half (and then some) to go before he'll consider induction.
I'm SO excited!!! I can hardly wait to meet this little baby!!!
My OB ("the Newt") did an internal exam and found that the baby's head is engaged and very low. My cervix is ~50% effaced, but I'm not yet dilated.
I told him that my biological mom and sisters have had fairly rapid labours, so he suggests not straying too far from the hospital. Eeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!
My OB is going by an estimated due date of December 30th (although my 18 week u/s estimates December 25th), so according to him we have another week and a half (and then some) to go before he'll consider induction.
I'm SO excited!!! I can hardly wait to meet this little baby!!!