My wee bitty baby is one month old today!
Wow, time flies! I can't imagine how quickly the year... and years will pass. It scares me to think about it and reminds me to milk every single moment I have with Ben.
Ben is certainly more alert these days and the better I'm getting to know him and read his cues the less cranky he is.
He's also enjoying his baths more and actually cries when I take him out rather than when I put him in.
Here are a couple more photos of my big boy solving the world's problems:

Ben is certainly more alert these days and the better I'm getting to know him and read his cues the less cranky he is.
He's also enjoying his baths more and actually cries when I take him out rather than when I put him in.
Here are a couple more photos of my big boy solving the world's problems:

Labels: Ben