Benjamin and Caitlin: The Ultimate Tag Team

Saturday, February 04, 2006

Doctor's appointment yesterday

Ben had another doctor's appointment yesterday. Seems our little man is developing well and following his growth curves. Ben is now weighing 11.3 lbs, measuring 22 inches in length, and his head circumference has increased by 2.3 cm since his previous appointment two weeks ago. Our GP is very happy with his progress.

Ben's eyes and ears are also responding well. Again, our GP is very happy with that.

When the GP listened to Ben's heart, however, he detected a murmur and is referring us to a paediatrician for a second opinion. We'll find out on Tuesday when our appointment will be. I was quite worried at first (well, okay, still worried) but after reading that childhood murmurs are common (apparently 80% of all children have a murmur at some point that they eventually outgrow) I'm feeling a little less stressed out about it. Also, out GP says that most often the paediatrician determines the murmur to be an "innocent" murmur and that rarely is it necessary to be referred to a cardiologist. Better to be safe than sorry.

I'll update when I find out when our appointment is. Soon, I hope.
