Cooper and Ben
I had my hands full on Wednesday. Andi had a job interview (she got the job - yay!) so I watched Cooper from about noon until 6pm. And I must say, I was quite impressed with myself! Both boys had two naps each, and were fed and diapered twice each, and of course, thoroughly entertained by yours truly.
And Cooper was so funny! He was trying to figure Ben out. Ben was watching the Baby Einstein DVD on TV, and Cooper was staring, and I mean staring at Ben with a "WTF??" expression on his face the whole time. Ben was obviously feeling a little uneasy about it... he'd periodically look at Cooper, and eventually he just started crying. Poor kid must've thought he had a booger.

And Cooper was so funny! He was trying to figure Ben out. Ben was watching the Baby Einstein DVD on TV, and Cooper was staring, and I mean staring at Ben with a "WTF??" expression on his face the whole time. Ben was obviously feeling a little uneasy about it... he'd periodically look at Cooper, and eventually he just started crying. Poor kid must've thought he had a booger.

Labels: Ben