Benjamin and Caitlin: The Ultimate Tag Team

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Some Christmas photos

I'm a little late with the pics. It's been ridiculously busy around here between preparations for Christmas and Ben's birthday two days later.

Ben got quite a load of Christmas goodies. Here's a list of some of the highlights:
  • LeapStart leap pad from Mommy and Daddy
  • two books for the leap pad from Ben's Great Uncle Vince
  • a Little People castle set from Mommy and Daddy
  • a Fisher Price Sights and Sounds walker/rider from Granny and Granddad Bloomfield
  • various bath toys, books, cars, etc. from Grandpa Beaton and Nanny Jean
  • a pair of Robeez navy blue booties from Aunt Jenn, Uncle Tim, Emma, and Ian
  • bibs, t-shirts, and a book from Aunt Beth, Uncle Robin, Jon, and Alex
  • a Peek-A-Blocks farm and books from Ben's buddy Cooper (and Andi, and Vinny)
  • a large peg board from his Grand Mémère

Most importantly though, Ben received a beautiful hand-knit blanket made by his 9 year old cousin, Alex. Alex worked so hard on the blanket leading up to Christmas. And he did a beautiful job. I'll take a picture of Ben with his blanket later today and post it.

Here are a few photos from Christmas morning: