Benjamin and Caitlin: The Ultimate Tag Team

Friday, January 05, 2007

Ben's first morning of daycare :*(

A sad day for Mommy indeed.

I brought Ben to his home daycare provider's house this morning. Tina is her name and she's really great, so I'm sure Ben will have lots of fun.

I stuck around for a half hour until Ben found his bearings (he found the Mega Blocks, so that resulted in one happy little clam.) I sat on the floor and played with Ben and the blocks for a while and when I thought about leaving I felt eyes welling up. Not wanting to upset Ben I turned my head and stood up, at which point he tugged on my pant leg and started to cry. That made me feel so incredibly sad. After gathering my composure I sat down and played with him for another 5 minutes or so. When I left he was happy and thoroughly engaged by Tina, Rachel (Tina's daughter), and the Mega Blocks.

Thank goodness Nic will be the one to drop Ben off at Tina's when I return to work because I don't know that I could do it without disolving.

Ben will be there until lunchtime today. I can hardly wait to see him and give him a big snuggle. And it might sound silly being this emotional over only a few hours, but motherhood does strange things to a woman. I could never have imagined prior to Ben joining our family.

And finally, in an effort to cheer this entry up, here's a picture of Ben hitting his daddy on the head with a ball: