Ben is getting his MMR shot in June
If you remember Ben had a very slight reaction to an MMR skin test administered by his allergist. His allergist said we could either wait to see if Ben outgrows the allergy or have it injected in dilute amounts in a series of ten shots over a two hour period. We opted for the former, however, with a big outbreak of the mumps on the east coast, and some confirmed cases in Toronto we've decided to revisit the second option. Ben's appointment is booked for June 11th. His allergist will re-do the MMR skin test and if he reacts again we're in it for the long haul. Let's hope he doesn't react so he can have just one shot and be done with it.
As for the rest of Ben's vaccinations Ben's GP's office is waiting for comfirmation from Public Health as to which shots are safe for a child with egg white allergies. Ben's allergist says, besides MMR being a problem, it's just the flu shot and yellow fever vaccine that we need to stay away from.
Hopefully we'll get Ben's immunization schedule up-to-date soon.
As for the rest of Ben's vaccinations Ben's GP's office is waiting for comfirmation from Public Health as to which shots are safe for a child with egg white allergies. Ben's allergist says, besides MMR being a problem, it's just the flu shot and yellow fever vaccine that we need to stay away from.
Hopefully we'll get Ben's immunization schedule up-to-date soon.