Ben is 18 months old!
Yep, our little man is a year-and-a-half old now and well on his way to two, as indicated not only by the calender, but also by recent tantrums. Good fun. Ben is not shy about letting us know he's not pleased about something, like being redirected when he starts getting into things he shouldn't, or if he wants something he can't have, or for no apparent reason.
I took Ben for a haircut yesterday. I really should have waited until I could get his regular stylist (yes, Ben has a "regular stylist" -- Mommy doesn't even have a regular stylist!) because I don't like his haircut nearly as much as his previous two. She really took a lot off the top, so he doesn't have his cute, floppy mop anymore. *sigh* I suppose in a month or so it'll be back and I can bring him in for a better cut.

Fortunately this one was easily solved with a cup of milk.
I took Ben for a haircut yesterday. I really should have waited until I could get his regular stylist (yes, Ben has a "regular stylist" -- Mommy doesn't even have a regular stylist!) because I don't like his haircut nearly as much as his previous two. She really took a lot off the top, so he doesn't have his cute, floppy mop anymore. *sigh* I suppose in a month or so it'll be back and I can bring him in for a better cut.

Fortunately this one was easily solved with a cup of milk.