Sugarbush today!
We spent a nice Saturday morning/lunch at Kortright sugarbush. We met up with Ben and Caitlin's uncle Robin (Nic's brother), aunt Beth, and cousins Alex and Jon.
Ben was quite interested in the old-fashioned method of tree tapping and liked checking all the buckets for sap. The highlight, of course, was the maple syrup tasting and the maple sucker he got after our pancake lunch (which he also thoroughly enjoyed!).
Caitlin did great being carried in the Bjorn; she even napped in it. Ben wasn't a big fan of the carrier when he was a baby, so I'm pleased that Caitlin is comfortable in it simply because it's much handier this time around with Ben being on the go. And not a single complaint out of Caitlin the entire time; as usual she was just going with the flow.
Nic took a few pictures, but we didn't get nearly as many as we would have liked because our batteries were dying. Robin took a tonne, so hopefully we'll get some copies. And you'll notice Nic is absent from the photos... he was taking the pics. I was in charge of the camcorder, so I'm missing from the video footage.

Ben was quite interested in the old-fashioned method of tree tapping and liked checking all the buckets for sap. The highlight, of course, was the maple syrup tasting and the maple sucker he got after our pancake lunch (which he also thoroughly enjoyed!).
Caitlin did great being carried in the Bjorn; she even napped in it. Ben wasn't a big fan of the carrier when he was a baby, so I'm pleased that Caitlin is comfortable in it simply because it's much handier this time around with Ben being on the go. And not a single complaint out of Caitlin the entire time; as usual she was just going with the flow.
Nic took a few pictures, but we didn't get nearly as many as we would have liked because our batteries were dying. Robin took a tonne, so hopefully we'll get some copies. And you'll notice Nic is absent from the photos... he was taking the pics. I was in charge of the camcorder, so I'm missing from the video footage.