Benjamin and Caitlin: The Ultimate Tag Team

Monday, October 05, 2009

Commando crawling and other stuff

Caitlin's been crawling the last little bit. She's not up on her hands and knees, but rather drags herself around using her forearms while pushing with her knees and feet AKA 'commando crawling'. She really gets around too! It's so much fun watching her explore and the things she gets into. She's fascinated by door stoppers and heat vents. And she's stealthy! I couldn't find her this morning! Eventually I located her under the dining room table. I think I'm in trouble with this one! Not to mention her love of scavenging 'floor food'. The other day I found her picking out and eating puffed wheat from my floor sweepings. Yum.

She's also able to push herself up into a sitting position from her tummy. I think she's been strong enough to do it for a while now, but only recently figured out the logistics.

Ben has to guard his HotWheels at all times. I call Caitlin 'my little magpie'. She loves shiny bobbles, and especially shiney bobbles with wheels.

Caitlin also had her first swim at the public pool this past week. She loved it! We have another water baby on our hands. :)
