Ben is 8 weeks old today!

Both the paediatrician and her nurse seperately commented on what a healthy looking baby Ben is. He is now in the 75th percentile for weight and height (Ben was in the 50th percentile when he was born, although I have a hard time believing 50% of all newborns weigh more than 8 lbs 6 oz. Kudos to their moms!)
Poor Ben has a touch of the flu though. Poor thing. He vomited last night all over himself, his blankets, and me, and I think today he might be getting a bit of diarrhea. Seems the flu's been going around since Nic has been sick, plus Vinny and Cooper too. Fortunately Ben has been eating, although smaller amounts more frequently than usual. And he hasn't vomited since last night. Hopefully this passes quickly.
Oh, and I have a cold. We're a sick bunch around here.
I didn't take any pictures of Ben today since he's a bit under the weather, but here's a photo of him in his bouncy chair last week. He doesn't look very impressed with it.

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