Benjamin and Caitlin: The Ultimate Tag Team

Thursday, April 27, 2006


Have I mentioned how much Ben loves blankets? Well, he does. He loves playing with them. We play Peekaboo by throwing the blanket over his head, then ask "Where's Benjamin?", then we pull the blanket off and say "There he is!" and he smiles his great big adorable gummy smile back at us. That smile is the best.

Sometimes he actually prefers a blanket to an actual toy. The other morning I put Ben in his little chair and gave him a toy to play with while I was in the shower. Then I hear squeals of delight coming from Ben, and I thought he was really enjoying his toy. I stick my head out of the shower to see the toy on the floor and Ben marveling at his blanket. It was pretty cute.

And blankets seem to be a great source of comfort for him as well. Tonight I gave him a fleecy receiving blanket to hold when I put him down in his crib and he was out like a light in no time. Holding his blanket and sucking his thumb. It'll be nice when he's old enough for me to leave the blanket with him overnight. He's still young enough that a loose blanket can be a hazzard.
