Benjamin and Caitlin: The Ultimate Tag Team

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Week 5: The stuffiness is killing me.

I have chronic nighttime rhinitis. It's awful. Normally I take a little Otrivin before bed to get me through the night, but I've stopped since I found out I'm pregnant. I'll have to contact the Motherisk line at Sick Kid's hospital and find out if it's okay to take. I didn't take it with Ben, but I don't remember it being quite this bad either. All I found were opposing opinions online.

So far I've tried saline irrigation, saline spray, nasal gel, and Breath Right strips, none of which helped. In fact I used all of it last night, including the nasal strip, and my sinuses were just as plugged up as ever. I've gone through a box of Kleenex in three nights. Ugh. And nevermind how little sleep I've had.