Week 5: The stuffiness is killing me.
I have chronic nighttime rhinitis. It's awful. Normally I take a little Otrivin before bed to get me through the night, but I've stopped since I found out I'm pregnant. I'll have to contact the Motherisk line at Sick Kid's hospital and find out if it's okay to take. I didn't take it with Ben, but I don't remember it being quite this bad either. All I found were opposing opinions online.
So far I've tried saline irrigation, saline spray, nasal gel, and Breath Right strips, none of which helped. In fact I used all of it last night, including the nasal strip, and my sinuses were just as plugged up as ever. I've gone through a box of Kleenex in three nights. Ugh. And nevermind how little sleep I've had.
So far I've tried saline irrigation, saline spray, nasal gel, and Breath Right strips, none of which helped. In fact I used all of it last night, including the nasal strip, and my sinuses were just as plugged up as ever. I've gone through a box of Kleenex in three nights. Ugh. And nevermind how little sleep I've had.