Benjamin and Caitlin: The Ultimate Tag Team

Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Caitlin missed the memo.

Y'know, the one about how as babies get older they're supposed to wake less? Yeah. That one.

She's gone from waking once per night to eat to twice. Last night it was 11.30pm and again at 4am. (Ben, of course, was up for the day at 6.15am and unwilling to oblige Mama and watch Treehouse in my bed while I snoozed a little more. The boy loves his cereal.) Caitlin's saving grace, besides being cute as a button, is that she always goes back down without a fuss. I just swaddle her back up and put her back down. Eyes opened, usually. Of course that'll probably go out the window now that I've typed it up.

Stock tip: Tim Horton's

(Oh, and a side gripe: why do they always write "Tim Horton's" as "Tim Hortons"? The name is "Tim Horton", and it should be written as a possesive. Give the man his apostrophe back!)
