Benjamin and Caitlin: The Ultimate Tag Team

Friday, July 24, 2009

What a little trooper

Caitlin, that is. Oh boy. She picked up a gastro bug from Ben, and Ben being the age he is and not in diapers it wasn't too bad for him. And it seems to have run it's course, for the most part. But poor Caitlin is pooping up a storm. I've been washing her bum with warm face cloths rather than wipes because they just sting her so badly. Her bum and bits are terribly red and the skin is starting to break a little. Ugh.

And as if that isn't enough for the poor girl, she cut one of her upper central incisors today. We were out shopping (for rice cereal, pureed bananas - since mashed bananas seem to be too hard on her system right now - and super strength diaper cream) I noticed a small streak of blood near her mouth, I took a quick peek in and could and sure enough, a tooth was cutting.

For the little trooper part - Caitlin's not at all had a complaint! What a heavenly baby. Seriously, who wouldn't complain about a sore bum and bleeding gums?! One tough little cookie here.
