Benjamin and Caitlin: The Ultimate Tag Team

Friday, July 17, 2009

When did he become such a big boy??

This morning I was about to start drying my hair when Ben got up. We were all upstairs. One minute he's happily playing with Caitlin, the next he's gone. I stop the hair dryer and hear rummaging around in the kitchen, cupboard doors, etc. Then Ben yells up 'I'm making myself cereal!'. Unsure whether to try to salvage my kitchen or finish drying my hair I figured I'd stick with the latter and deal with the mess when I got downstairs.

So, I finish up, Caitlin and I go downstairs, and there's Ben happily eating his rice crispies at the kitchen table. No mess. And I just about burst into tears. He just seemed like such a big boy! And I said 'wow, you didn't even make a mess!' and he says 'oh, I did make a little mess, but I cleaned it up.' (I sure hope that sticks!)

However, it dawned on me that the milk bag wasn't opened. I put a new one in the container in the morning but hadn't cut it opened. Turns out he used a knife to open it...! I nearly had a freakin' heart attack. I told him next time to ask mummy for help when he wants to use knives or scissors. God help me. But he sure is resourceful!
