An all-around allergy update

Okay, so that isn't me, but it sums up how I feel about ##$$#@ allergies.
Let me start with Ben.
As I mentioned in a previous post he'd reacted to raw egg. I since brought him back to the allergist who didn't bother testing him with raw anyway. He feels based on Ben's recent history of consuming cooked egg that it's just a matter of time before he outgrows it completely and to keep going as we have been, i.e., keep offering him cooked egg and other forms that he's been fine with and avoid whole egg mayo and other raw forms, like whole egg eggnog (Ben's been fine with store-bought since it's egg yolks only). So that's good news. I hope. The allergist did advise me to bring along an egg to Ben's peanut challenge (even though I had one for his appointment) and he'd skin test him with it then.
And now Caitlin.
As I also mentioned in an earlier post Caitlin was tested for egg and peanut and tested negative for both. The allergist said we could introduce both foods anytime. We haven't intro'd peanut since we don't keep peanut in the house, but I have given Caitlin scrambled egg on two occassions and both times she reacted (redness and small hives on the chin). Today I was at the allergist for my own appointment (seasonal and pet allergies) and I mentioned Caitlin's reaction to egg, so he tested her with raw egg and she reacted. Not strongly, however, which indicates that this will be something she'll also outgrow. In the meantime he recommended we continue to challenge with egg at home. Caitlin has had quiche with no problems and some baked goods, so I suspect the scrambled wasn't as well cooked hence the reaction.
Man oh man, it sure would be easy if this allergy business were more straightforward.
As for me, I'm still allergic to cats and dogs, and have more seasonal allergies than before (throw in grass and a bunch of weeds). The allergist didn't recommend allergy shots and definitely didn't recommend we have cats or dogs as it could make my allergies worse to the point of asthma, and I definitely don't want that. So now I have to figure out what our family pet options are. Fish and birds just don't cut it.