Our baby girl is ONE YEAR OLD!
Happy birthday to our beautiful girl, Caitlin! One whole year old today!
I didn't cry at her birthday party (which we held on Sunday) and I didn't really feel I was mourning the loss of my infant like I did with Ben. It's hitting me a bit today though. Especially since I'm quite sure she's our last baby. But I know how many wonderful things we have to look forward to, and so I'm not sad for long.
What a wonderful year it's been. I won't lie, the first few months were rough going. It's so hard adjusting to being a mum of two. You can't help feeling like you're always failing someone, and when the 'someone' is a wee little soul you've been blessed to care for and provide for it's tough to not feel overwhelmed with guilt at times. But once we got past that hump everything improved drastically.
Caitlin is an amazing little girl. She's so happy, social, cheeky, curious, and ambitious. Oh, and tolerant. She can take a lot from her big brother... and she's learning to dish it too.
We're beginning to see Caitlin assert herself more and when she doesn't like something she will let you know! And she sure can get mad when you take something away from her that she's not supposed to have. Foot stomping mad!
We absolutely cannot imagine life without our girl. She has brought so much to our family and I feel we've all learned more from her than she from us so far.
Happy first birthday, Caitlin. Mummy, Daddy, and Ben all love you very, very much!

I didn't cry at her birthday party (which we held on Sunday) and I didn't really feel I was mourning the loss of my infant like I did with Ben. It's hitting me a bit today though. Especially since I'm quite sure she's our last baby. But I know how many wonderful things we have to look forward to, and so I'm not sad for long.
What a wonderful year it's been. I won't lie, the first few months were rough going. It's so hard adjusting to being a mum of two. You can't help feeling like you're always failing someone, and when the 'someone' is a wee little soul you've been blessed to care for and provide for it's tough to not feel overwhelmed with guilt at times. But once we got past that hump everything improved drastically.
Caitlin is an amazing little girl. She's so happy, social, cheeky, curious, and ambitious. Oh, and tolerant. She can take a lot from her big brother... and she's learning to dish it too.
We're beginning to see Caitlin assert herself more and when she doesn't like something she will let you know! And she sure can get mad when you take something away from her that she's not supposed to have. Foot stomping mad!
We absolutely cannot imagine life without our girl. She has brought so much to our family and I feel we've all learned more from her than she from us so far.
Happy first birthday, Caitlin. Mummy, Daddy, and Ben all love you very, very much!
Labels: Caitlin