Sippy cup success!
Ben's dropped his morning bottle these past couple of weeks and now takes his milk in a sippy cup. He'll drink from a spout cup, but I've found a straw cup is much more effective. He likes the Nuby Flip N' Sip cup.

Once we see he's doing well on whole milk we'll start offering him a cup of milk at lunchtime as well. So far no obvious problems with milk though. We'd worried because of his eczema reaction to the Enfamil formula he was on when he was younger, which his paediatrician suspected was related to casein intolerance. Once we switched him to GoodStart2 (which is whey-based, rather than whey *and* casein-based) the eczema cleared right up.
In other news, Ben's paed has scheduled him for food allergy tests. I'll have to follow up today to find out when his appointment is. The reason for the allergy testing is because I'd determined Ben was allergic to egg whites at 11 months. His initial reaction was to a small piece of cake. I suspected egg whites, so I tested the theory the next day, and sure enough... he tried a small piece of egg and he had a red rash and hives around his mouth. As a result our GP hasn't given Ben his 12 month vaccinations because the MMR (measles, mumps, rubella) vaccine is cultured in egg. The plan is to test Ben periodically to see if the allergy lessens or goes away completely. Eventually though the risk of not being vaccinated versus the risk of a severe allergic reaction is greater, so we'll have to keep an eye on this and hope the allergy dissipates soon.
And I think we're way overdue for photos, so I'll add some later today.

Once we see he's doing well on whole milk we'll start offering him a cup of milk at lunchtime as well. So far no obvious problems with milk though. We'd worried because of his eczema reaction to the Enfamil formula he was on when he was younger, which his paediatrician suspected was related to casein intolerance. Once we switched him to GoodStart2 (which is whey-based, rather than whey *and* casein-based) the eczema cleared right up.
In other news, Ben's paed has scheduled him for food allergy tests. I'll have to follow up today to find out when his appointment is. The reason for the allergy testing is because I'd determined Ben was allergic to egg whites at 11 months. His initial reaction was to a small piece of cake. I suspected egg whites, so I tested the theory the next day, and sure enough... he tried a small piece of egg and he had a red rash and hives around his mouth. As a result our GP hasn't given Ben his 12 month vaccinations because the MMR (measles, mumps, rubella) vaccine is cultured in egg. The plan is to test Ben periodically to see if the allergy lessens or goes away completely. Eventually though the risk of not being vaccinated versus the risk of a severe allergic reaction is greater, so we'll have to keep an eye on this and hope the allergy dissipates soon.
And I think we're way overdue for photos, so I'll add some later today.