Week 13: Happy to finally announce...
I'm currently 12 weeks and 6 days pregnant. I'm due on December 3rd.
Yesterday I had an ultrasound and the baby looks great. Strong little heart beat and I got to see a nice side profile. Nic and Ben stayed home because Ben was napping and I had to go for bloodwork afterwards anyway; fortunately the technician took the above image for me to bring home.
Right now I'm feeling pretty good. I had some awful morning sickness earlier on, and I was really tired, but I'm bouncing back now. Just in time for Nic to go away on business for a week. (What a looooong week that's going to be!)
Here's a copy of the photo I sent to Grandpa and Nana Beaton to announce the pregnancy.
Doesn't my boy look big??

I've been secretly blogging all along, and so now that I'm revealing my pregnancy I'll allow those posts to go live today, so if you're interested, start looking back in March (I found I was pregnant on Easter Sunday which was early and in March this year).