Benjamin and Caitlin: The Ultimate Tag Team

Saturday, October 11, 2008

'Mama, I make you sick!'

I'm sick. I've been nursing a subtle cold for the past week or so, but it *really* hit me night before last... excrutiating sore throat, very stuffed up, lots of sneezing, and as a result, unable to sleep (I've had six hours of broken sleep over the past two nights).

Ben is sick too, but being his resiliant two-and-a-half year old self it's not hit him quite so hard.

But, Ben's been coughing, so back-peddle a few days and you'd find me trying to teach Ben to cover his mouth when he coughs and explaining that you cover your mouth so that you don't make other people sick. He gets the concept, but I don't expect it's something he'll remember to do. That's normal; he's two-and-a-half. What I *didn't* expect, however, was that he'd purposely cough directly in my face. Twice. And announce, 'Mama, I make you sick!'

You sure did, kid!

Nic and Ben went up to the cottage for Thanksgiving dinner today. I was planning to stay home anyway so I could get a jumpstart on making some freezer meals for when the baby comes, but instead I'm in bed, feeling like I might die, wondering if I need antibiotics, but not at all interested in spending hours waiting to see a doctor at a walk-in clinic.

Blah. I sure wish I could take something. Being pregnant and sick is no fun.