Benjamin and Caitlin: The Ultimate Tag Team

Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Week 40: Today is my due date!

Time to evict this baby. Maybe a notice?

Dear Baby,

You've had your forty weeks! I'm sure my uterus is pretty cosy, but we've created a pretty comfortable environment for you outside, including onsies, sleepers, blankets, and complete with a cradle, crib, and Mama and Daddy's arms to snuggle you. You have a big brother waiting to meet you too. He might poke you in the eyes once or twice, but we'll do our best to curb that.

Please let me bend comfortably again. I will be eternally grateful. Besides, we love you and want to give you lots of snuggles and kisses.

See you soon!

With love,

Mama xoxoxox

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