Benjamin and Caitlin: The Ultimate Tag Team

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Week 39: Rebooked last night's OB appointment

I walked in for my 7pm appointment on the dot... to a packed waiting room. I was in no mood, especially knowing nothing was really going to happen at the appointment: I'd wait, the nurse would check my blood pressure and weight, the doctor would ask me if the baby was moving well, and that'd be about it. So yeah, I had no interest in sticking around. My OB said it was fine, asked if the baby was moving well, had the nurse check my blood pressure, then sent me on my way - this is how they should do business all the time. He does want to see me by the end of this week though, so I have an appointment on Friday morning now.

So that's about as much of an update as there is.

Oh, and I did have Nic come home from work this morning. I've been feeling a little crampy and blah and as we get closer to my due date I'm getting more nervous. So he worked from home, and may do so tomorrow too.