Finally! Ben's three year retrospective.
I am so not on the ball these days. I finally got around to scanning a couple of pics that I just couldn't do this without. Both kids are napping, so knock wood, I might get through this entry today!
So yeah! Ben turned three years on December 27th. And what a fun three years (y'know, with a dose of frustration in there for good measure ;-) it's been. I just can't say enough about my boy. He's become such a bright, funny, clever loving little guy who always keeps us on our toes. Always looking to negotiate his way out of (or into!) things (we think we may have a lawyer in the making here). Always willing to give hugs and kisses when I'm down (or maybe not a lawyer after all). And an imagination that constantly amazes us. We certainly hope he's as proud of himself as we are of him. I'm so happy to call myself 'Ben's Mama' and look forward to the joys, pleasures, and challenges the years bring us.
Without further adieu, here's a little photo retrospective of my sweet boy.
First pic (in the OR at Southlake Hospital) as a family of three:

Sleeping peacefully @ three weeks:

First smile caught on camera @ two months:

Lookin' cute @ four months:

A brief love affair with his thumb:

Tummy time @ five months:

Trying green beans for the first time (the expression says it all) @ six months:

Beaning Daddy on the head @ one year:

Blowing out candles on his second birthday:

Having a bit of a meltdown @ two-and-a-half years:

First day of preschool:

Being a great big brother:

Looking too much like a big boy for my liking in his preschool pic:

And FINALLY, the big THREE!

Follow your dreams, my love.
So yeah! Ben turned three years on December 27th. And what a fun three years (y'know, with a dose of frustration in there for good measure ;-) it's been. I just can't say enough about my boy. He's become such a bright, funny, clever loving little guy who always keeps us on our toes. Always looking to negotiate his way out of (or into!) things (we think we may have a lawyer in the making here). Always willing to give hugs and kisses when I'm down (or maybe not a lawyer after all). And an imagination that constantly amazes us. We certainly hope he's as proud of himself as we are of him. I'm so happy to call myself 'Ben's Mama' and look forward to the joys, pleasures, and challenges the years bring us.
Without further adieu, here's a little photo retrospective of my sweet boy.
First pic (in the OR at Southlake Hospital) as a family of three:

Sleeping peacefully @ three weeks:

First smile caught on camera @ two months:

Lookin' cute @ four months:

A brief love affair with his thumb:

Tummy time @ five months:

Trying green beans for the first time (the expression says it all) @ six months:

Beaning Daddy on the head @ one year:

Blowing out candles on his second birthday:

Having a bit of a meltdown @ two-and-a-half years:

First day of preschool:

Being a great big brother:

Looking too much like a big boy for my liking in his preschool pic:

And FINALLY, the big THREE!

Follow your dreams, my love.