Benjamin and Caitlin: The Ultimate Tag Team

Thursday, December 04, 2008

Week 41: GAHHHHH!

C'mon kid. Give me a break here.

I don't know what it is, and I know I'm only one day overdue, but I officially hate being pregnant now. I'm SO uncomfortable. The end of my pregnancy with Ben was a cakewalk - I was comfortable, sleeping okay, and was basically just waiting excitedly. This time around is NOT the same. I'm just done. I'm ->this<- close to going to the birthing unit of our local hospital and begging them to induce me. The pressure from this human being in my body is getting to be a bit much... it feels like my bottom is about to fall out!

Oh, and I hope Ben's wrong. When I asked him earlier when he thought I might have the baby he said 'Not today!', so I asked when and he said 'Monday!'... oh dear god, please tell me he's not on to something.

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