Caitlin is 3 months old today! (And I'm gobsmacked.)
Yes, our wee little girl is now three months old. It's amazing how much they change and grow in these first three months. I saw a one month old yesterday and I could hardly believe Caitlin was so tiny and squishy.
Caitlin is so much more responsive. She loves to chat and smile, and her eyes light right up when she smiles. Even when I'm having the worst day ever, which with my lack of sleep seems to be more often that usual these days, she helps to turn it around with a big gummy smile.
She's also starting to reach for things in close range and is able to hold her rattle for short periods of time. It won't be long before she and Ben are playing together. I would have expected him to get a bit bored with Caitlin by now, but he's just as excited about her new developments as we all are.
And now for the gobsmacked bit. Caitlin slept through the night last night! From 7.30pm through to 6am. I don't know what had been going on this past week, a growth spurt, maybe. But she was all over the map and waking a couple of times per night. I partially wonder if I was shooting myself in the foot by going to her so quickly in the night for fear that her night cooing might turn into a full-on cry and wake Ben. Anyway, I don't know that we can expect this to stick, but it shows some promise that one day I will actually sleep again myself!
I've also started weaning Caitlin off the swaddle, so maybe that helped some last night too. I swaddle her with one arm out. She really likes to suck on her fist, and so she would bust both arms out through the night, completely loosening her swaddle which may have disturbed her sleep. Last night was her first night with an arm free.
Unfortunately I'm unable to take some photos today because I forgot my camera at a friend's house, so here are some from the past week.

Caitlin is so much more responsive. She loves to chat and smile, and her eyes light right up when she smiles. Even when I'm having the worst day ever, which with my lack of sleep seems to be more often that usual these days, she helps to turn it around with a big gummy smile.
She's also starting to reach for things in close range and is able to hold her rattle for short periods of time. It won't be long before she and Ben are playing together. I would have expected him to get a bit bored with Caitlin by now, but he's just as excited about her new developments as we all are.
And now for the gobsmacked bit. Caitlin slept through the night last night! From 7.30pm through to 6am. I don't know what had been going on this past week, a growth spurt, maybe. But she was all over the map and waking a couple of times per night. I partially wonder if I was shooting myself in the foot by going to her so quickly in the night for fear that her night cooing might turn into a full-on cry and wake Ben. Anyway, I don't know that we can expect this to stick, but it shows some promise that one day I will actually sleep again myself!
I've also started weaning Caitlin off the swaddle, so maybe that helped some last night too. I swaddle her with one arm out. She really likes to suck on her fist, and so she would bust both arms out through the night, completely loosening her swaddle which may have disturbed her sleep. Last night was her first night with an arm free.
Unfortunately I'm unable to take some photos today because I forgot my camera at a friend's house, so here are some from the past week.
Labels: Caitlin