Benjamin and Caitlin: The Ultimate Tag Team

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Caitlin's gross motor skills are coming along.

Caitlin is becoming more of an active baby these days, rather than a lumpish newborn. She's reaching and grasping a lot more, showing a lot of interest in her toys, and kicking up a storm.

And oh, does she LOVE to jump! She's hilarious in the Jumperoo. I'll have to get some video of her because she's so funny. Once she gets going she doesn't stop... she has such strong little legs I think she might launch herself right out of it one of these days! And she gives the biggest gummy smiles the whole time.

Another favourite toy is the playmat. She's on it right now chatting and kicking away.

It's so much fun watching her develop and grow.

Caitlin also remains a pretty laid back baby. Sometimes she's so quite you'd hardly know there was a baby in the house! But she's starting to let us know when she's bored or would like a bit more attention. :)
