Lookit how cute I am!
Mummy took this picture of me today and I made an extra special effort to look adorable (which really was no effort at all.)

The paediatrician also took another listen to my heart today and said it sounded fine. She still can't detect a murmur, so that's really good news! I was also weighed today and found out I weigh a whopping 14 lbs 3 oz! I'm a big boy, and although I'm only two months old I'm already wearing 3 - 6 month old clothing.

The paediatrician also took another listen to my heart today and said it sounded fine. She still can't detect a murmur, so that's really good news! I was also weighed today and found out I weigh a whopping 14 lbs 3 oz! I'm a big boy, and although I'm only two months old I'm already wearing 3 - 6 month old clothing.