A long overdue photo installment
I've gotten rather busy in the past couple of weeks. Besides recently returning to work, I'm also taking a college course, so unfortunately I haven't been updating Ben's blog as frequently as I'd like. Please bear with me.
Ben playing with his Little People fire truck set he got from Amy and Alex on his birthday:

Ben playing with his Little People fire truck set he got from Amy and Alex on his birthday:
Admiring (and plotting to knock over) Mommy's cup tower:
Ben's pretty much cruising everywhere these days. He only crawls long-distance.
Ben and his favourite sippy cup. He's doing really well with it. Today he only had one bottle.
You wouldn't know it by the look on his face, but Ben is sitting in the lap of baby seat luxury right here. The Britax Marathon. We needed a second seat so Granny and Granddad Bloomfield could pick him up from daycare for visits, so we'll keep this one and give them Ben's "old" (about 4 months old) car seat.