Week 24: OB appointment today
So it turned out my OB appointment was today at 6pm. I didn't realise this until 4.30pm, and so while I made the appointment I didn't bring along my obligatory cup of first morning pee of which the nurse checks protein and keytone levels. Other than that, the appointment went well.

First order of business: the anatomical ultrasound results. They were great. No problems detected with the baby or the placenta. Wonderful, wonderful news.
Second, my blood pressure - couldn't be better.
Third, baby's heart rate - 148 bpm - is within the healthy range. My OB had a tough time getting the heartbeat at first because every single time he applied pressure with the doppler wand the baby would kick/punch/bump it away. So much so that we both started laughing. She's a fiesty one!
In a few weeks I'll go in for my gestational diabetes testing aka drinking a bottle of gross orange stuff and being bored stiff for an hour waiting for someone to draw your blood. And then my next OB appointment is on September 10th.
And finally, here's a recent pic taken at 23 weeks 5 days: