Week 27: 3D u/s pics of our GIRL!
And now for a look at the other end...
Isn't she precious? Like a little cherub.
Wee smile here.
Feet just like her brother's - big!
Solving the world's problems already.
Little frowny face. We really enjoyed our 3D ultrasound today. We went to UC Baby this time and the quality was much better. With Ben we went to See 3D and weren't nearly as impressed; the ultrasound was really choppy which was probably because of something simple, like the computer wasn't powerful enough to process the images.
Ben came along with us and was good as gold. He needed a little entertaining, but was behaving quite well overall. While we were watching the u/s we asked him what we should name the baby; he says 'Ben'. That might get a little confusing, so we ask him again what he thinks we should name the baby, this time he says 'Daddy'. It'd be original and I'm willing to bet there won't be another little girl named 'Daddy' at the playground. Ever. Buuuuut I think we'll keep checking the baby books to see if Nic and I can come to some consensus.