Vacation photos!
Like father, like son.
Ben with Nanny Anita at her home in Dartmouth.
Ben with Nanny Anita's cat, Nala. (It's love.)
My little beach baby on Inverness beach. He *loved* the waves. And if he fell over he was back up for more; totally unfazed. He even gave the waves a standing ovation. Haha!
Cool dude.
Super boy! There were many variations of super boy, like when naked he'd be super naked boy, or partially dressed he'd be super half-naked boy. And he didn't hesitate to run outside and make an announcement!
Ben's first purchase. A car. He had been collecting money (he learned a lot about scavenging change during this vacation) and saved about 18 cents which he proudly slapped down on the counter in front of the cashier (we comped the rest :).
Just a funny picture taken in Baddeck.
One of few family photos we have (I'm about 21 weeks pregnant in this shot). Taken in Baddeck.
Ben with Daddy in Baddeck.
Ben's first ice cream sundae. I still can't believe we found a peanut/nut-free restaurant in Baddeck, of all places. It's tough enough to find them in the GTA! These guys even make their own ice cream. It's called the Bell Buoy Restaurant and Supper House.
I can't begin to tell you how much this made the trip for Ben. This was right outside the Bell Buoy in Baddeck. The rest of the trip Ben kept reminding us that he was a 'big boy' who 'sat on the motercycle'. Adorable! (At least until he's older and wants one of his own.)
Good thing we brought the little potty for roadside emergencies!
Ben riding 'Trigger' with Mama at Grandpa's.
Heave-ho! At Inverness Beach. The path from the cottages (where we stayed) to the beach area forked briefly into two paths, and so Ben always insisted that Mama and Daddy go one way and Ben the other. He was always so proud of himself taking his own path. Which reminded me of when I was a little kid and my dad would take me out 'hunting' (which was really more of a winter nature walk) and I would insist on taking my own path (I wasn't much older than Ben). It's kind of neat being on the other side of that story. :) Ben says 'cheeeeeeeeese!' and shows off his three-eyed playdoh snowman.
Ben and more bikes. At Inverness Beach Village.
Ben's first girlfriend, Katherine. He called her 'my new friend' the whole time, despite her correcting him after a week and telling him he could drop the 'new' and just call her his friend.
Happy about this hug! His feet aren't even touching the ground! Haha!
Ben modeling his new McQueen duds from Grandpa and Nanny Jean.
Helping get a fire started with Grandpa.
Grandpa pulling Ben on the toy quad.
Then Ben insisted he return the favour. You can see here that he's giving Grandpa some clear instruction.
Toasting marshmallows is serious business.
And back to work pulling weeds at home. (Our yard was overrun while we were away!)
And that's it! :)