Benjamin and Caitlin: The Ultimate Tag Team

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

The low-down on Ben's orientation day.

It started well, he enjoyed playing with the toys while I sorted things out with his teachers. After we tidied up the toys he was playing with and said 'bye' to the teachers things spun out of control a little. Ben started frantically swiping toys off the tables (not angrily, this is just something he finds fun). Things with little pieces, like puzzles and stuff. Good times.

An effort to get him to help tidy up the mess just resulted in more frantic dumping of toys. Gah. So I sat him in a chair, told him not to move, and just cleaned up myself (normally he'd be required to clean up after his time-out, but we didn't have time for that today). Afterwards I crouched down next to him (not an easy task for a woman 27 weeks pregnant) to explain the situation, why he was sitting out, etc. when the little bugger slapped me in the face. And then he gives me this impish look. Oooh, I was livid. Seething, even. But I kept my cool, held his hands down, explained that I did not like to be hit, then escorted him by the hand from the classroom. When we got home he took my recommendation to go upstairs to play until lunchtime; I was still pretty mad.

And the day just kept getting better from there. (That's sarcasm, by the way.) I won't get into it except to say I'm happy he's napping now and I hope he naps until 4pm.

I have a feeling we're in for a bout of the terrible 3s, because frankly, the 2s haven't been too hard on us. God help me.