Benjamin and Caitlin: The Ultimate Tag Team

Saturday, October 18, 2008

So, Ben got to walk a mile in my shoes this morning.

I went out to run errands leaving Ben home with Daddy. Playing with Lego was among this morning's activities while I was away.

Daddy was working away building a structure of some sort (because that's what Daddy does... hogs the Lego ;) when Ben and his Thomas train comes along. Apparently Thomas had some devious plan that Ben was trying to prevent by repeatedly begging 'No Thomas! No no Thomas!', but it was too late. Thomas knocked over and destroyed the structure Daddy was building.

It didn't end there.

Ben put Thomas in a 'time-out' on the stairs. He went on to explain to Thomas that he was to sit and not talk or move. Then he left Thomas to have a think.

When Ben returned to the living room Daddy asked him to help clean up the mess, but Ben thought it was Thomas' responsibility, so he went back to Thomas and they had a hug. Then Ben brought Thomas back, showed him the mess, and told him he was to start picking up blocks.

I wonder if Ben will be more empathetic to a mother's plight from now on...?