Benjamin and Caitlin: The Ultimate Tag Team

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Week 35: Do I possibly have room to keep growing this baby for another six weeks??

I'm not sure. I'm exactly 34 weeks today, heading into my 35th week and I'm feeling pretty pressed for space. And uncomfortable. I hobbled around all morning with a sore back. I soaked in the tub a bit this AM (thank goodness Ben's a fairly independant little guy, he watched some cartoons and played in his playroom while I nursed my sore back) and it seemed to help, but only briefly.

Ben's SO sweet. When I complained to him about my sore back as I struggled to get him dressed this morning he promptly gave my back a kiss, then 'rubbed it in', and asked 'does you back feel better, Mama?'. What did I do to deserve such a great kid?

The nursery is getting there. Still need a crib mattress. We're unsure what to do about a chair. We'll probably wait and see after we have the baby whether or not we can get by without the recliner in Ben's room. We still use it in couple of times a day with Ben for storytime before naps and bedtime. I'd really miss having it in there, and I'd really miss all the snuggles that go along with it. The curtain rod, curtains, and night lights still need to be installed. Nic has to bring up the change table from the basement. And once that's done it'll be pretty much ready.

I've been doing some laundry. I picked up some sleepers from a local consignment shop, and I've also received a number of hand-me-downs from Judy and Andi, some of which were passed on by Melissa (who has the most fashionable daughter among our circle of moms + kids :D) so we'll definitely have a well-dressed baby. Once this last load is done I'll try to get the dresser and closet organized. Plus I have to go through all of Ben's old baby toys, clean them up, and store them in the closet (I don't expect I'll have a lot of time for sorting, cleaning, and organizing once the baby's here).

I have a couple of trays of spinich ricotta manicotti in the freezer. I want to get a few more dishes prepared. And I need to get my Christmas baking done too. I don't think I'll have time to make chocolates this year though. I'm really disappointed because there just aren't any widely available peanut-free Christmas chocolates (except for After Eights, which are better than nothing). I think the local peanut-free bakery may carry some peanut-free chocolates, so I'll check with them... I can only imagine the price. Ugh.

So that's pretty much where we are right now. :)