Benjamin and Caitlin: The Ultimate Tag Team

Monday, January 11, 2010

Cruising and more.

In the past month or so Caitlin's gross motor coordination has come a long way. She's much more quick to get on her feet, she's cruising a bit, and has been climbing the stairs. She's been doing a couple of stairs for a long while now, but only in the past few weeks has become brave enough to climb all the way upstairs. In fact, one day I forgot to close the gate at the bottom of the stairs and the next thing I knew Ben was alerting me that Caitlin was upstairs. I didn't even know she could climb all the way up... or would be brave enough!

Caitlin had a follow-up appointment with the paediatrician. I don't know if I'd mentioned in a previous entry, but there were a few things our extremely cautious GP had refered us for (heart murmur, small head circumference, and red reflexes in the eyes) all of which I'm pleased to say are fine and the paeditrician has no concern with. The only reason we returned is because Caitlin had lost a small amount of weight between her first and second appointments. Today we found she gained, but has dropped in percentile; instead of remaining on the 50th percentile curve she's dropped to somewhere between 50th and 25th. Again, however, no cause for concern because she is gaining and she eats very well; I think she's more likely to take after Nic's side of the family and be smaller framed and lighter weight (whereas Ben was the complete opposite -- always topping the charts, so I'd guess he takes after my family).
