Ben stories and best friends
Every night before bed either Nic or myself will read Ben his bedtime stories and tuck him. Part of the process is telling Ben a 'Ben story' or 'dilla' as Ben says for 'story' (we haven't figured out why, because he can say 'story', he just prefers 'dilla'... who knows). Last night I started out as usual opening with 'Once upon a time...' and it went something like this:
How sweet is that?? Usually he'll say Mater or McQueen or some other character from some other show, but last night it was Daddy.
Me: Once upon a time there was a little boy names... [insert pause]
Ben: Ben!
Me: That's right! And he was... how old?
Ben: Two and a 'alf!
Me: Right! And Ben had a best friend. His name was... [insert pause]
Ben: Daddy!
How sweet is that?? Usually he'll say Mater or McQueen or some other character from some other show, but last night it was Daddy.