Benjamin and Caitlin: The Ultimate Tag Team

Monday, October 27, 2008

Ben stories and best friends

Every night before bed either Nic or myself will read Ben his bedtime stories and tuck him. Part of the process is telling Ben a 'Ben story' or 'dilla' as Ben says for 'story' (we haven't figured out why, because he can say 'story', he just prefers 'dilla'... who knows). Last night I started out as usual opening with 'Once upon a time...' and it went something like this:

Me: Once upon a time there was a little boy names... [insert pause]
Ben: Ben!
Me: That's right! And he was... how old?
Ben: Two and a 'alf!
Me: Right! And Ben had a best friend. His name was... [insert pause]
Ben: Daddy!

How sweet is that?? Usually he'll say Mater or McQueen or some other character from some other show, but last night it was Daddy.