Benjamin and Caitlin: The Ultimate Tag Team

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Grandparents all around

Ben has had recent visits with his grandparents.

Here he is with Granny and Granddad (Nic's parents):

And here he is with Nanny (Jean, my dad's partner) and Grandpa (my dad):


Saturday, March 25, 2006

It's all about the hands these days

Ben has discovered his hands. He's constantly mashing his fingers in his mouth and can't get enough. He's learning the art of self soothing, so hopefully he'll be off his pacifier soon. He's down to nap time and bedtime only and even then I pluck it from him after a couple of minutes so he doesn't get too used to sleeping with it.

Anyway, enjoy a couple pics of Ben stuffing his hand in his mouth:


Thursday, March 23, 2006

Grandpa's coming to visit!

Grandpa and Grandma Jean are coming to visit. They can't wait to meet Benjamin and should arrive on Sunday afternoon. Yay!


Wednesday, March 22, 2006

We got some giggles!

In an effort to stop Ben from crying I started bonking myself on the forehead with a rattle and saying "BINK!"... well, doesn't he start laughing. Every. Single. Time.

Who knows when I'll get him giggling again. What an awesome surprise that was.


Tuesday, March 21, 2006


Ben is just too cute. I in the past week he's been mimicking me. I can get him to say "ah-goo" and this morning he started doing faux-raspberries. He'll blow through his lips making a "brbrbrbrbrbr" sound. He's ADORABLE!


Monday, March 20, 2006

Sleep, glorious sleep!

On Saturday, March 18th, Ben slept eleven hours straight! From 7pm through to 6am Sunday morning. Yay!!!

Last night Ben slept from 7pm through to 5.20am, then went back down after a feeding until 7am!

Ben seemed to "tank up" before bed tonight. When bedtime rolled around Ben had only consumed 25 ounces, so he took his usual five ounces then cried for more when the bottle was done. He consumed seven ounces total before bed tonight, so maybe that will get him a full twelve hours.

Either way, Ben's doing great with his sleeping and continues to be easy to go down at night. We can only hope he remains this way. Fingers crossed.


Monday, March 13, 2006

Lots of stuff!

I haven't been very good at keeping on top of the blog lately, so here's an update on a variety of Ben happenings.

Sleep: The past two nights Ben has slept nine hours straight! From 7pm until 4am, feeds, then goes back down until 7am. I see nightwakings coming to an end eventually.

2 month shots: Ben also had his shots last Friday. We both did really well. Poor Ben had a meltdown and was fairly inconsolable for about, what seemed like, ten minutes. He didn't sleep particularly well that afternoon or night despite the dose of Tylenol he received.

Chatting: Ben has a lot to say these days. We have many conversations that go something like...

Ben: Oooh
Me: Oooh
Ben: Ah-goo
Me: Ah-goo
Ben: *gurgle*
Me: *gurgle*
Ben: Gooo
Me: Goo

You get the idea.

Gripping: Ben will hold onto a rattle and shake it around a bit. He has a pretty strong grip. Unfortunately he tends to his himself in the face a lot. ha ha... poor kid. Not only does he hit himself in the face, but his mummy laughs at him.

Smiling: The smiles continue and he's starting to smile spontaneously now. There's nothing better in the world than going into Ben's room in the morning and getting a big grin from him.

Napping: Ben's not a big fan of napping. He has a difficult time winding down from activities. We're working on his naps. For some reason, however, he naps well at Andi and Vinny's place. Every time we're over he goes down for a nap in minutes. Go figure.

And that's about all I can think of for now! Ben thanks you for reading. :)


Monday, March 06, 2006

Lookit how cute I am!

Mummy took this picture of me today and I made an extra special effort to look adorable (which really was no effort at all.)

The paediatrician also took another listen to my heart today and said it sounded fine. She still can't detect a murmur, so that's really good news! I was also weighed today and found out I weigh a whopping 14 lbs 3 oz! I'm a big boy, and although I'm only two months old I'm already wearing 3 - 6 month old clothing.