Benjamin and Caitlin: The Ultimate Tag Team

Saturday, May 28, 2005

Week 10: Happy belated birthday to me!

I turned 32 on May 23rd and had a very nice birthday. Phone calls from Dad and Jean and Nic's parents. Nic gave me some great gifts, one of which was a baby photo album for storing our ultrasound and belly pics in. So thoughtful!

Yves and Tanya came up to our place to wish me a happy birthday. I made a point of hiding all traces of pregnancy evidence because we won't be ready to announce until towards the end of June. We did a pretty good job keeping the secret until Nic brought them to the attic to show them his big screen TV - that's when Tanya spotted a copy of "The Expectant Father" on his coffee table. I don't know why it is, but Tanya and Yves seem to inadvertantly find out everyone's secrets. Good thing they're good at keeping them!

Sunday, May 22, 2005

Week 9: Pimples galore!

Okay - the pregnancy hormones are kicking in. I've cried three times today (yes! three times! in one day!) for no good reason. AND I have two PIMPLES (not cute little zits, but full on Mount St. Helen pimples). Wahhh!

Thursday, May 19, 2005

Week 8: Good ol' pregnancy symptoms are kicking in!

Today is exactly 8 weeks; tomorrow kicks off Week 9. Since the beginning I've been plagued by fatigue, in the last couple of weeks I've been blessed with sore boobs, and now nausea with vomitting appears to have graced me. Hopefully the latter doesn't last too long. I'd had some mild nausea in the past, but I was sick twice today at work. It kinda hinders production...

I've booked a weeks vacation from May 30 through June 3. Dad and Jean are coming to spend the week; I can hardly wait to see them! And I can hardly wait to have a week off work!! :)

Saturday, May 14, 2005

Week 8: Announcing to Granny and Grandad Bloomfield

Today Nic and I paid a visit to his parents and shared the good news. They were very happy! This will be grandchild number five for them, so they are well seasoned grandparents!

Nic also mentioned the name Benjamin. Benjamin was top of my male baby name list, but Nic had thought his father may be adverse to the name, but we asked today and it turns out he is not at all. Phew! I was so thrilled to find it is a keeper since I'd resigned myself to scratching it off the list.

Deciding on a girl's name is another story. There are some that we like, but I don't think we've found *the* name yet. Some female names under consideration are: Alice, Audrey, Lauryn, Chloe, Ellen, and Beverly. I guess we have a ways to go before this becomes critical and we'll find out the sex of the baby, which will significantly narrow down the selection, provided the baby is cooperative (Nic would say if it takes after me it won't be! hah!).


Monday, May 09, 2005

Week 7: First ultrasound results

I had an appointment with my family doctor today to go over the report of the ultrasound. Everything looked good; the dates matched up, and as predicted, I'm in my 7th week. A heartbeat was confirmed and there's only one baby present. I thought I heard Nic emit a small sigh of relief... ;-)

I have my first official appointment with my new Ob-Gyn on June 3rd. I'm looking forward to meeting him. Hopefully I'll like him.

Sunday, May 08, 2005

Week 7: My first Mother's Day (technically speaking)

Nic bought me flowers for Mother's Day and made me breakfast. What a sweetie. :)

Friday, May 06, 2005

Week 7: Announced to Grandpa Beaton

We announced our pregnancy to my Dad today! YAY!!! He's very excited. We sent a bouquet of flowers with a note attached that read "Hey Grandpa! Guess what you're getting for Christmas this year!!!" Well, needless to say a whole lotta time didn't elapse between the arrival of the flowers and our phone ringing!

We planned to tell Nic's parents on Mother's Day, but it turns out they'll be opening up their cottage this weekend so we're meeting for dinner next Saturday. When Nic's dad phoned I almost blurted out the news, but figured it would be better to wait and deliver the news in person - I have to see *someone's* reaction!!