Benjamin and Caitlin: The Ultimate Tag Team

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Week 8: Starting to share the news.

We told Granny and Granddad Bloomfield all about baby #2 this morning. Ben wore his custom-made 'Big Brother' t-shirt. Lots of excitement!

Tomorrow we're taking Ben for a photo which I'll frame and send to my dad and Jean. They could really use some good news after losing Uncle Billy and Uncle Archie in the past couple of weeks. :( (RIP Uncle Billy and Uncle Archie)

Update: Dad and Jean got the photo on Friday, April 25th. They were very excited and Grandpa was all choked up. :)

Week 8: I hate to complain, but...

This pregnancy is kicking my ass. I feel like complete crap. I'm not sleeping well at night. My allergies have been so bad that I've had to get a prescription spray, and it's not working well enough at night so I'm still taking a decongestant so I can sleep. And I really, really hate taking medicine while pregnant, but I don't have a lot of choice if I want to be able to get some rest. :(

I can't nap because I'm too stuffed up. If I'm not vomitting I feel like I want to vomit. I didn't get morning sickness, I got all-day sickness. Oh, and to top it off I think I've caught some bronchial thing, my throat is killing me and I have a wicked 'productive' cough - lovely.


This pregnancy is SO different from my last pregnancy.

And I hope we can find a home for the cats soon. I don't think it'll solve all my problems, but it'll help.

A really great potty week for Ben!

He had two poops on his potty this week. Yay Ben! Both times I wasn't present; I'd just left him pantless with a potty nearby while I was doing other things. And he's SO pround of himself. He comes to get me immediately. What a kid. :)

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Week 6: 6 weeks today!

It was at this point in my pregnancy with Ben that I started this blog. I remember exactly where I was sitting (on my bed in the old house on Prospect Street) and I had no idea what kind of changes were coming my way over the following months, and moreso, what would be coming our way forever.

Today I'm sitting on on the couch in our new house, stuffed up after a horrible night's sleep wondering how I can possibly keep going for another 8 months. My sinuses feel like they're on fire and the roof of my mouth feels itchy, like fiberglass.

This pregnancy certainly isn't as leisurely as my last. (First-time moms don't know how good they have it!) When I was pregnant with Ben I could take a day off work and lay in bed to rest if I was truly feeling awful. Today I have to suck it up because I have to chase after Ben! No laying around for me.

I'm still not sure when I want to share the news of this pregnancy with our parents. Nic's parents are good at keeping a secret, my dad, however, not so much. He gets so excited that he wants to tell everyone, and that's something I'd like to avoid until 12 weeks.

Saturday, April 05, 2008

Ben and Eggs

Instead of pancakes I just went for it this morning: I made very well-cooked scrambled eggs. Ben ate them, and I'm happy to announce that he didn't react! What a happy, happy day around here. One life-threatening food allergy is more than enough for this family thankyouverymuch.

I'll still be cautious with the eggs for the next week or so, only offering in the AM so I can keep an eye on him. Then when I'm satisfied I might try something like a merangue to see how he does with uncooked egg white product. Apparently it's not uncommon for kids to be okay with egg white proteins that have been denatured by heat, but still react to uncooked egg white.

Updates to follow.

Week 5: Had a half decent sleep last night.

My rhinitis issues that have been plaguing me seem to have eased up somewhat by doing absolutely nothing.

I've tried:
  • saline spray
  • saline nasal irrigation (that one's pleasant, and made matters a million times worse)
  • nasal gel
  • inert cellulose
  • antihistamine (finally, when I became desperate)

None of them really worked. I thought the antihistamine *might* be helping, but I didn't take it last night and I didn't have too much trouble breathing. And I only used one tissue all night long (astounding since I've been averaging a box of tissue every two-three nights). So hopefully this is the end of my serious rhinitis issues and the start of better nights sleep. Now I can begin tossing and turning for entirely different reasons.

Thursday, April 03, 2008

Week 5: Congratulations! (and allergies)

"You are pregnant!" is what my doctor said to me today. I had an appointment to get the results of the beta-hCG analysis and my count was well within range, so there you have it. :)

I won't receive an early ultrasound this time since I haven't experienced any of the early spotting that I did with Ben, so my first u/s will be scheduled for my 18th week of pregnancy. Good timing since that puts us around the beginning of July, and a week later Ben and I will be flying to Nova Scotia *with pictures*!!

I've also firmly decided to NOT go with my former OB. The wait time for an appointment is ridiculous. It was bad enough sitting in his office for three hours alone the first time around, there's NO. WAY. I'm sitting in his office with a toddler for three hours. Apparently the new OB I've chosen (based on some positive referenced from some area ladies) offers his OB patients evening appointments, so I won't have to bring Ben with me at all. It'll be like a night out for me or something. Ha-ha! Good times!

I'm currently taking 4mg of Chlor-Tripolon (after confirming with Motherisk that it is considered safe in pregnancy) per night to prevent my sinuses from completely stuffing up, but I think it's time to find the cats a new home. I would be so sad to see them go, but I don't think I can manage the allergies. My GP has referred me to an ENT (ear, nose, and throat) specialist; I'm hoping that s/he'll find there's some other cause for the chronic rhinitis, but I'm not holding my breath.

Anyway, that's today's update.