Benjamin and Caitlin: The Ultimate Tag Team

Friday, November 25, 2005

Week 36: Yesterday's prenatal appointment

Everything went well. My blood pressure's good, no swelling, the baby's heartbeat is strong, and my belly is measuring 35 cm. Also, the baby is positioned head down, but hasn't dropped yet. And I had my group B strep swab; I'm hoping that comes back negative so they don't have to load me up with antibiotics.

My OB (who annoys me to no end, but that's an entirely different blog entry) went over all of the key things a woman nearing labour needs to know, like that I should be pre-registered at the hospital (apparently I could have done this ages ago), that I should go to the hospital when my contractions are less than 5 minutes apart, and he gave me some papers that are apparently worth my weight in gold and should be guarded with my life as the hospital won't admit me without them. Really... as if they'd let me give birth in the hallway...

Oh, and from now on my appointments are weekly. Oh yay. I get to sit in my OB's office even more frequently. Guess it's time to put games other than Bejeweled on my phone. I think I went cross-eyed playing it yesterday evening in the waiting room.

Anyhoo, that's the news. Maybe I'll get another belly pic posted this weekend.

Sunday, November 13, 2005

Week 34: 4 more weeks of work!

And I can hardly wait. December 9th can't arrive quickly enough.

And at 34 weeks I'm feeling pretty good, although tired, as usual. I didn't sleep very well the past couple of nights and now I have a case of the sniffles. Hopefully it's just a temporary side effect from the lack of sleep and not a full-on cold.

My prenatal appointments continue to go well. The baby is getting bigger and I was up another 2 lbs at my last appointment for a total of 22 lbs. My blood pressure is good, no signs of gestational diabetes or pre-eclempsia, no swelling, no heart burn... let's hope things stay this way!

Nic and I went out and bought our travel system yesterday. We decided on the Graco MetroLite. The big selling feature for me was the simple fact that this is a lightweight system.

Sunday, November 06, 2005

Week 33: More nursery pics!

Today I'm exactly 33 weeks pregnant. The baby is currently squirming around like crazy and warping my belly into many funky shapes. I'm starting to feel as though I'm running out of space... taking a deep breath can be difficult sometimes. I'll try to post a picture later this week.

Nic and I did some shopping this weekend. Saturday I bought some furniture for the nursery and decided on the drive home that I didn't want it anymore... pregnancy brain. We returned it today and bought a book case. I also picked up a few things at Pottery Barn Kids. I'm such a sucker for that store.

Anyway, here's a shot of the crib and book case from the door:

Here's a pic of a stuffed lamb I made at Build-A-Bear the day I found out I was pregnant (I made a matching one for Cooper too.) My mother-in-law made the yellow blanket:

I love this clock; when wound it plays Brahm's Lullabye:

Here's the change table on the side of the room opposite of the crib:

And finally here's where the gliding rocker will go when we buy it (hopefully next payday!):

I'm really happy with how the nursery is coming along. Nic's worked hard putting everything together, I just had to pick everything out... and it was a lot of fun!

As for me, I'm feeling pretty well for 33 weeks along. I've gained about 21-22 pounds, no problems with swelling, no heartburn, my blood pressure has been fine, and my OB says everything is looking good and that I should keep doing what I've been doing. The baby and my belly are definitely growing though. I did a pretty good job avoiding stretch marks until the past few weeks. They've been creeping up on me despite copious the amounts of lotion I've been slathering on myself. I know it's all a genetics game, but why give in without a fight?