Just thought I'd post a bit on how I'm doing.
After having Ben the first couple of weeks were pretty rough. I lost my appetite, had some gastrointestinal isues, was recovering from the episiotomy, and was trying to get breastfeeding established.
Well, something had to give, and it was the breastfeeding. It was very emotionally and physically draining, especially because I was feeling so poorly to begin with. Nic and I made the decision to bottlefeed Ben formula. Ben had latching issues, which isn't uncommon among babies who have "traumatic" births, then my lack of appetite completely diminished the milk supply I had established, so we didn't even get a chance to sort out the latching issues. Anyway, while it was an emotionally difficult decision to make, it is definitely for the best and I can honestly say I'm happy with the choice. And Ben is healthy and happy... that's most important.
Physically and emotionally I'm doing
much better! My appetite has returned! Yay! And I'm getting out of the house more. Physically I'm feeling a lot more like my old self. I'm still sticking close to home until I feel 100%, but I'm almost there! :)
Nic's been a
huge help and he's been off work for the past 3.5 weeks. Now that I'm feeling so much better he's going back to work on Monday. It'll be a little weird not having him around the house with me and Ben, but it'll be nice to settle into a normal routine again.
Oh, and I'm back into my pre-pregnancy clothes and a few pounds below my pre-pregnancy weight. I guess there's a silver lining to everything!
Labels: Ben