Benjamin and Caitlin: The Ultimate Tag Team

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Ben is 5 months and chatty

So chatty, in fact, that he took to waking in the night for conversation. Fortunately this only lasted a few nights. He didn't wake last night, and knock wood, he hopefully won't wake tonight. Fortunately he'll happily chat with himself after I go in and get him comfortable again.

Ben also turned 5 months on May 27th. Granny and Granddad came up to the house to spend the night with him while Nic and I attended a wedding. Ben was a good boy for Nic's folks, aside from the early moring chat.

New Ben stuff:
  • he's starting to get the hang of jumping in his Jumperoo (I'll post a video clip soon)
  • reaching for objects (if I hold a rattle in front of him he'll reach out and take it)
  • holding his own bottle (he is really doing well controlling his own bottle and can independantly feed himself for short periods of time)

Some additional Ben pics taken since he's turned 5 months:


Monday, May 22, 2006

Picking up a dropped object

Ben was sitting in his Bumbo today playing with some handheld toys. He dropped one of his rattles, looked for it, and picked it back up. This is the first time I've observed him doing this.

Another milestone. Our little B-boy is growing up.


Sunday, May 21, 2006

Cooper and Ben

I had my hands full on Wednesday. Andi had a job interview (she got the job - yay!) so I watched Cooper from about noon until 6pm. And I must say, I was quite impressed with myself! Both boys had two naps each, and were fed and diapered twice each, and of course, thoroughly entertained by yours truly.

And Cooper was so funny! He was trying to figure Ben out. Ben was watching the Baby Einstein DVD on TV, and Cooper was staring, and I mean staring at Ben with a "WTF??" expression on his face the whole time. Ben was obviously feeling a little uneasy about it... he'd periodically look at Cooper, and eventually he just started crying. Poor kid must've thought he had a booger.


Oh, hey! Ben found his penis!

It was hilarious! I was giving Ben his bath and looking at his face when suddenly he started doing a "Beavis and Butthead" type laugh/noise and I'm all like "What's up, buddy?"... then I look down and see he's yanking away on his penis. He did this a few times too. Oh god... I'm sorry Nic had to miss it. It was priceless.


Ben in his Pooh outfit

I took these pictures for the research department (Nic's department) at work (if you didn't already know, Nic and I work for the same company.) They gave Ben the sleeper and hat set he's wearing in the photos... and he looks absolutely adorable in it.


Monday, May 15, 2006

Drooly boy

Around the three month mark Ben started drooling. Now he's drooling profusely. The fronts of his shirts are always soaked. I'm going to have to start bibbing him all the time. He has developed a yeast rash on his chest. Imagine Nic's surprise when I sent him to the drug store for Canestin without tell him what it was.

I'll have to get a photo of all the drool. In the meantime, here's a slightly drooly Ben:
And here's Ben just looking like his cute self:


Sunday, May 14, 2006

Remembering Ben's Grandma (my mom) on Mothers Day

For those of you who don't know, my mom passed away when I was almost fifteen. She had kidney failure fairly young (the irony being she was a nurse; she especially loved working in pediatrics) and was on renal dialysis for a number of years while we lived in Nova Scotia. We later moved to Alberta where she could get better care and she went on peritineal dialysis, which afforded her much more freedom.

Her name was Anne Marie. She was a firecracker. All of 4-foot-nothing, but the personality of a giant. In her day she was a real hot tamale! No wonder my dad married her! Brains and beauty. She'd laugh if she saw me writing that.

As a mother I couldn't have asked for a better role model. Her courage and strength, and ability to maintain a sense of humour through it all was, and is, unparalleled. And no matter how difficult life got for her she always managed to notice when someone had it worse, and felt emmensely for them. Feeling sorry for herself was not an option.

She was known to crash a party, only to liven it up, and once, when she was nursing she stood on a chair to tell off a much taller nurse who was giving her a hard time. And she could put my 6 foot 4 inch 230 pound father in his place, when he was being an ass, like no one else could.

She had the ability to inadvertantly stop all conversation so everyone could hear her tell a joke. She was the queen of telling jokes. Even cheesy jokes were hilarious coming from her.

She told me that she often thought she would have made a good actress. One of those childhood dreams I suspect she had that went unfulfilled. And one of the reasons I don't shy away from opportunity myself.

Over the years the numerous medications she had been taking took a toll on her body. She suffered from hearing loss, and eventually, paralysis. She had been lying on the sofa reading one morning when her hands and feet started getting tingly. By lunchtime she was paralysed from the neck down. I can't begin to imagine how frightening that was for her. It was frightening enough for me and my dad.

She worked very hard to regain mobility, and eventually, after a LOT of hard work, was mobile enough to drive a car again. I remember her telling me how easy it was to take the little things for granted, like turning on a light, or going to the bathroom unaided.

My mom felt terrible that I "missed out" on so many things in my early teen years to care for her, like school dances, and hanging out with my friends. My dad worked shift work, and because of the paralysis, one of us had to be home at all times to help with Mom's dialysis and provide general care. But I am SO grateful for those times we spent together. And I think it was a blessing in disguise because it meant I got to have some real quality time with my mom that I may not have otherwise had given her short life.

I woke the other morning and realised that I have now lived more of my life without her physical presence than with. And it stung. For a moment. My mom has given me enough to last several lifetimes over, and for that I am eternally blessed. Like my mom I will continue to be thankful for what life has given me, good or bad. It makes me who I am, much like it made her the wonderful woman she was.

Happy Mother's Day, Mom. I will love you forever.


Thursday, May 11, 2006

My cool little man

I picked Ben up some BabyBanz the other day. Here he is showing off his stylin' ways.


Ben in his new exersaucer

We received a new exersaucer from friends at work who's daughter has outgrown. Ben is really enjoying it. Here are a couple of pics:


Cleo helps out.


Sunday, May 07, 2006

Ben meets his Aunt Valan

Valan is the first aunt Ben has met on my side of the family. She was thrilled to meet him, and I was just as thrilled too. :)


Ben standing

Here's a picture, taken yesterday, of Ben with Daddy and Cleo. Ben's really looking like a little boy about to run off and get into all kinds of mischief.


Tuesday, May 02, 2006

More on Ben's first roll over

I don't know why I didn't think of this before, but I put him on his tummy in his crib with the mobile on and he was so interested in following it that he rolled right over, front to back, completely unaided or unprovoked by me. I was SO excited, and in my excitement Ben got excited and all gummy grin faced. It was SO adorable!!


It just keeps getting more and more fun!

I remember thinking at three months how much fun Ben was becoming. How much he seemed to learn, and how much more interactive he was becoming. But now at four months I see the fun is endless and increasing exponentially!

These days he loves putting things in his mouth. And I've seen him pass an object from one hand to the other. I've also watched him fish out his favourite rattle from the bottom of a pile.

Tonight he rolled over. And his little pudgy legs just keep getting stronger and stronger. He's loving the exersaucer, and he is so proud of himself when he's standing in our laps. And he's beginning to figure out that he can use his legs in the Jumperoo.

He's becoming less and less interested in his pacifier and finding ways to soothe himself. He sure loves blankets, this kid.

I can only imagine the fun and excitement that's around the corner! I'm just so pround of our Ben. He's becoming a real little boy. And fast.
