Ben's 3 ft tall now. One interesting factoid (or myth, maybe?) is that by your 2nd birthday you're 1/2 of your adult height. I guess we'll confirm or deny the theory in about 18 yrs.
Ben weighs 33 lbs at home, dressed, but in a fresh diaper. The GP weighed him fully clothed and with his winter boots on, and his weighed 35 lbs. Now he wants us to come back in a couple of months so he can check his weight again. *sigh* Ben stood on the scale all by himself though. What a big boy. :)
Our GP also filled in a speech development questionnairre to fax off to the screening people. He thinks they'll call us in for an appointment. Another *sigh*. Ben doesn't use pronouns, e.g., me, I, you, etc. and he doesn't read to his stuffed animals. (That last one makes me laugh.)
He does have superb stacking skills, however! He stacked eight pee bottles in the examination room. He could have kept going except he ran out of bottles.
Ben also rec'd his Prevnar shot, so we're all caught up on vaccinations, except for the chicken pox vaccine which I'm still on the fence over. I'll probably bring him in for it some time this year. The more reading I do the more comfortable with it I become.
And we're being rescheduled for more allergy tests. I asked for our GP to book us in with the allergist for March, so that will be one year after Ben's previous tests. I'd like to see if the tests confirm that the milk and egg yolk allergy are completely gone, and if there's any improvement in the egg white and peanut allergies. Not holding my breath on the peanut allergy, but if the egg white allergy were gone that'd be really awesome news. Or if we could even loosen the reigns a bit, y'know? Like not worry if he sticks a cookie in his mouth. I'll keep you all posted on the results of Ben's allergy tests when the time comes.
Thanks for reading!