Benjamin and Caitlin: The Ultimate Tag Team

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

My little star

Today at naptime Ben was pretty clingy. He didn't want to let me go, and so we had a big snuggle and I started singing Twinkle Twinkle. I sang the first line and paused for a moment only to have Ben pipe up and sing the next line. I didn't even know he knew the words. What a heart-melting moment. So we continued singing Twinkle Twinkle together.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Parenting lesson #664827: Toddlers don't 'get' rhetorical questions.

The other day Ben was shaking his sippy cup of milk around like crazy. It's one of those valveless wash or toss cups and so drops of milk were splattering *everywhere*. I was a little exasperated and so our conversation went something like this:

Me (annoyed tone): Ben! How many times do I have to tell you that your milk cup isn't a toy??!
Ben (without missing a beat): Two.
Me: [stifling laughter]
Ben (pausing to consider his response): No, three.
Me: [laughter]

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Week 20: Pic @ 19w 1d.

Looking more pregnant, although billowy clothing is pretty concealing still.

Here we are (don't mind my expression; it's tough trying to be photogenic when you're the photographer):

Baby's definitely wiggly and active in there. Movement's becoming more frequent and obvious. :)

Monday, July 07, 2008

It's a GIRL!!!

And here I was SO sure I was having another boy. Goes to show what I know.

I must admit, I find the idea of being the 'primary role model' a little daunting. I've enjoyed Nic being the 'primary role model' so far... because I'd use it as an opportunity to remind him that he should put his dishes in the kitchen 'you're being watched, y'know'. Soooo, that's gonna come back and bite me in the ass. :P

The u/s itself went well, baby's doing great, everything's looking good. Yay!

We didn't get any images this time. We have the option to pay $20 for a CD of three images, but we're going to pass. We got a great image from the 12 week IPS ultrasound, and we're planning on doing a 3D ultrasound also (hoping to get gender confirmation), so we'll have plenty of opportunity for more images.

Week 19: First OB appointment this morning!

Everything's looking good. And I LOVE my new OB. He's awesome. So nice, not much of a wait for my appointment (he offers evening appointments too), and he was really easy to talk to.

I didn't feel rushed, and he really reassured me regarding my concerns for my labour and delivery experience this time around. If I find myself and baby in the same situation as last time I *definitely* want a section, I DO NOT want a repeat of my first experience (mid-lateral rotation via forceps) and all the fun that went along with the recovery. He told me that under those circumstances he wouldn't hesitate to to go with a c-section. And according to him mid-lateral rotations aren't very common anymore due to the risk factors involved. In retrospect I should have asked him that if we do find ourselves in this situation would they call him in to perform the section or would I be in the hands of the on-call OB (who may or may not share the views of my new OB) - guess I better bank that for next time.

And at 5PM we have the anatomical u/s and with a little luck we'll find out if Ben's getting a little brother or sister. I'm really thinking brother, and would seriously be surprised to find out it's a girl. I dunno why. Mother's intuition?

Sunday, July 06, 2008

Week 19: Memo to my boobs.


That is all.

Friday, July 04, 2008

Cuteness alert!

Ben just did the story of the little piggies on my toes. He knew the whole thing... it was SO cute!

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Happy Canada Day!

This morning we went to Fairy Lake to participate in the festivities.

Festive Ben.
Lovin' the geese.
Ben on a mission!
On a pony ride with Daddy.
Having his face painted. (He chose to be a green monster of sorts.)
Being very patient and still for the painter. I was impressed... he's quite the opposite when I try to apply a little sunscreen on his nose.
And one very pleased customer!
Grrrrrowl! (Ben enjoyed growling at everyone; he was indiscriminant!)
Petting a goat. There were also rabbits, chickens, a pig, and a few others.

We later went to a BBQ at Tanya and Yves' place. Lots of fun. I'm just sorry I forgot my camera.

Hope everyone had a safe and festive Canada Day!