Benjamin and Caitlin: The Ultimate Tag Team

Thursday, June 16, 2005

Week 13: Weight gain and bad smells

The start of week 13 and I have gained 1 pound so far. Not bad. I'm pleased that I haven't ballooned too early. I have heard stories of women gaining 15 pounds in the first 3 months due to over-eating and it freaks me out.

Nic has announced our pregnancy to his brothers. Slowly the entire world will know. Two more weeks and I'm spilling the beans at work.

At this point I do not see any signs of nausea letting up. In fact, I almost seem to be more sensitive to smells than I was earlier on in my pregnancy. I Febreezed the entire house when I got home from work, then sprayed room deodorizer, and announced to Nic that we have a lot of cleaning to do this weekend. And it's not like our house is actually dirty or stinky to the non-pregnant nose. Poor Nic.

Thursday, June 09, 2005

Week 12: Nursing a cold

Here I am - home from work today nursing some kind of awful cold. I can't stop sneezing and blowing my nose. I'm sure it's not allergies because I had a terrible headache and slept for 12 hours and still barely dragged my butt out of bed. Fortunately I can take some Tylenol for my headache, but I can't take any cold and/or sinus medications. And for the record, saline nasal spray sucks.

Other than this things seem to be coming along well. I have my next OB appointment at the end of this month at which time I'll get all the results of my blood work (they drew 8 tubes of blood out of me, then asked me to pee in a cup - I don't think I had an ounce of liquid left in my body afterwards!). My family doctor had ordered all the bloodwork back when I told him Nic and I were planning to concieve, so hopefully my new results are consistant with my previous results, confirming my and my baby's health.

I've been getting the occasional headrush from getting up too fast. Apparently this is not uncommon. I read that 80% of pregnant women suffer from anemia resulting in fatigue, faintness, dizziness, and so forth. Luckily it's not too bad for me... so far, anyway.

I made a trip to the drug store today and walked out with a pregnant woman's bounty: FitPregnancy magazine, saline nasal spray, a bottle of Materna, and a box of the best chocolates I could find. Yum.

Saturday, June 04, 2005

Week 11: First Prenatal Appointment

Yesterday Nic and I went for my first prenatal appointment. We finally got to meet Dr. Newton, who I think is absolutely wonderful, BTW. I was able to hear the baby's heartbeat for the first time. Dr. Newton had told us beforehand that the heartbeat is only detectable 25 - 30% of the time this early and not to be alarmed if he couldn't find it, so this little baby's heart is pounding away. What a beautiful sound it was. I'm in love!

Nic and I have finally found a girl's name we can agree on: Katherine, but we would call her Kate or Katie. This is a very good thing since I'm not sure anymore if I want to find out the sex of the baby before s/he's born. I suppose we'll wait and see when the time comes and if... *if* the baby's co-operative.

Oh, and even though I've yet to gain a pound so far I've had to start buying maternity clothes! My jeans and most of my shirts are fine, but I've found that none of my shorts fit properly; no give in the waist. I figure if I can't drink I may as well be comfortable. ;-)